Harlow... Harlow this is Ranch We're going on an adventure! Ah you've got FREEZING cold hands! Good Thursday morning everyone. I had a rough night My pain had been getting worse and worse throughout the day yesterday and then by the time we were going to bed I felt like my body was just going to fall apart. I asked Judd: 'Is there anything even holding me together?' Because my joints just felt so unstable and painful it's like: "Collagen, but you don't really have a lot of that." Hah It's an Ehlers-Danlos syndrome joke but anyways my hip was in a lot of pain, and I had muscular pain in my legs It was just a rough night.
I was not able to sleep very well, but thankfully things are a little easier this morning I'm going to focus on that improvement but getting up out of bed this morning and getting ready and Downstairs it was just - it took a lot. It was not easy, so Definitely taking it easy today Judd is working overtime. So he is at work the first part of the day but he should be home just after lunchtime which will be nice So I came downstairs and Immediately came to the couch, and I forgot to grab my slippers, the blanket, the remote I forgot to grab water and Harlow knows how to get all these things for me and people ask "Why didn't you get that on your way to the couch?" Well when you're in a lot of pain and your body is already begging for a break you're not really thinking about all these things. In my head I'm just: 'I need to get to the couch so I can sit down and try and alleviate some of this pain' And so that's why I just go straight to the couch, and then I forget some necessary items I need water so I can take my pills on time, that's really important; and the other items like a blanket I don't need that, but it's nice to have and so I've trained Harlow how to get these things for me, and it's one of her tasks she does to help mitigate my disability because in this much pain I'm a increased fall risk so if I don't have to get up and Harlow can help me instead, it's much safer Yeah, today's definitely a walker kind of day You're ready to help me? You're the sweetest dog Alright Harlow get the remote - get the remote Good girl.
Give - Thank you! Get the blanket Good girl Thank you, Har! Harlow go get my slipper Get the slippers Good girl. Thank you Good dog, go get the other one. Get the slipper Good job! Come here pup pup Good girl. Thank you.
Water bottle, I'm thirsty! Good girl Harlow, get it! Good girl! Oh! *Stifled laughter* Harlow - Harlow this is Ranch, this isn't the water bottle *laugh* Harlow. Water bottle, I'm thirsty. Wha- Harlow, go get me a water bottle! Harlow, water bottle I'm thirsty. Get it.
Harlow, get it. Oh! You got it. Good girl! Come here! That's what I need! Thank you! All right now I've got ranch and water. Go shut the fridge! Shut it Harlow shut it Good dog Harlow! Good girl Who's the best dog? Thank you for making me laugh even when I'm in pain.
I've got my slippers my blanket water so I can take my medicine and Ranch Not only do I appreciate Harlow and all the things she does specifically to mitigate my disabilities But I also appreciate her ability to make me smile and laugh even when my chronic illnesses are giving me a hard time Jaq is making me work without food Judd: I'm hungry.
Jaquie: I made him sandwiches -
Judd: but now she's making me videotape and I want food Jaquie: Go get your food! Judd: *grumble* Jaquie: Fixing my infusion bag People care more about my sandwiches. *Gasp* There's no chips! Judd: What a disgrace.
Jaquie: Oh my God, get your own chips.
Judd: What a disgrace. Omnomnomnomnomnomnom Need more chips. There we go, perfect Lunch! *Judd humming* *loud crunching of chips* Don't mind Judd munching his chips in the background.
*Crunch crunch crunch* Alright, banana bags mixed about to hook up to my infusion, and I'm slowly working on a sandwich How was your overtime, babe? It was good Awesome. All the trash. Do you want the rest of my sandwich? I saw you looking at it Hey cheeky dog. Okay, so Harlow doesn't really know what a water bottle is She just knows she has to grab the item in the corner but obviously she thought that item was the Ranch since it's so close so yeah, sometimes she does bring me the wrong item She's brought me the chocolate syrup before and the salad dressing So now she's brought me the Ranch as well usually she always brings me the water But it's always a good laugh when you bring me something else funny dog That's why we always put the water in the same place right here we also have multiple bottles to populate this area of the shelf, but of course I have one over by the couch where I needed it earlier today Silly dog Beep Beep! Watch out.
So, Harlow actually has a 'watch out' command where if I told her 'watch out', she will get up and move out of the way, because Obviously sometimes it's not safe for me to step over her cause I might fall Or if I need her to move away from the walker Also The walker is a good tool for me to use on chronic pain, like bad chronic pain days because my pain can make me unstable and easily fall and if I get enough pain my legs can actually give out so the walker helps with stability And if it's really bad I'll use the wheelchair, so there's lots of tools you can use when you have chronic pain and some people might feel embarrassed to use mobility aids but I just see them as another tool to help with my chronic illness battle Hippo has too many toys Judd: Hippo you have too many toys Jaquie: Look at this they're all over the place Judd: They've always been all over the place Now there's more since her birthday
Judd: It's like the same amount No she has like eight more toys since her birthday. My gosh Judd is off to get a haircut Judd's stealing you guys! Bye! Camera! We're gonna go do stuff! Problem with owning a diesel truck is wait to start. Wait to start Air conditioning! Oh my God it's so hot So this is actually my first pickup truck I've ever owned but I have had bigger, large SUV's in the past Which is one...The Ford Expedition - I daresay I'm particular to Ford but I really don't care about trucks They're.. I just - I just love them all.
They're all good. Got my haircut! Oh looking all nice and the way I wanted and now we're off to get copies of keys made Because...Uh We're going to give a pair to our really close friends Paul and Janiece 'cause they're over here quite a bit So...Off we go to Ace Hardware Got my keys and stuff and look how huge this chair is! Hashtag the big red chair (#TheBigRedChair) Let's see what it looks like when you sit in it Oh shit! It's...It's huge It's just massive, as you can see It's.. It - look! My armrest is up there. I'm just going to skeet out through here That thing is huge! Mom, do you like Judd's -
Are you going to the pool? No he's not going to the pool He's going to wash Harlow *Laughter* Well it could be the same *More laughter* Oh my mum My mum asked if the shorts Judd was wearing were his or mine Take a guess mum Well I mean He is skinny, you could wear those shorts too They're his shorts They're his shorts *Laughter* You're ready for Hippo? Is Hippo ready for me? Probably not She does not look motivated *Laughter*
Judd: Harlow come here Come on! It's her favorite part Jaquie's Mum: Yeah? Yeah her favorite part is the towel And of course Judd put the hose on himself again So they're both soaking wet See she follows him for the towel *Laughter* Okay I don't want (her) to touch me *laughter* Oh, she found a toy Harlow you're looking scraggly, and she did not get the zoomies like she usually does after her bath She took a nap like Judd did.
Judd: Mm-hmm Sleepy dog So, my mum's offered to take Judd and I.
Out to dinner tonight Unfortunately, we can't bring Harlow because she's soaking wet and I could really use her tonight because my chronic pain is more than it usually is and something about chronic pain: I've been laughing today, and smiling and It may look like I'm fine on the outside but chronic pain warriors Especially when they've been dealing with their pain for a long time like may have been dealing with it for years and years we become experienced in how to Look fine on the outside although we may be suffering on the inside That's just something we learn how to do and it's not a lie, I am enjoying my day but the pain is still here. So, may look fine but there's definitely still pain. I just do my best to keep moving forward even though I'm having a higher than usual pain day. So, in preparation for dinner I took an Erythromycin which is an antibiotic that stimulates digestion and motility.
I can't take it very often at all but every once in a while and now I'm going to dose an IV Zofran through my port so with the anti-nausea meds and the Erythromycin hopefully I'll be able to eat well tonight when we go out So I just paused my infusion Connect the medicine push it through because I touched this I gotta clean it it's not sterile anymore Connect it back up. Run my infusion and By the time we get to the restaurant that should be working So we're just going to a restaurant really close to home All good! Mashed potatoes for me Shrimp salad for my mum. I tried a shrimp it was good. Thank you for taking us, mum and uh, wow, you already ate half of yours Judd: Some kind of chicken wrap You must be hungry, Mister Did you miss us Hippo? You were so good here, thank you Harlow loves you *affectionate crooning but not in english* Well we had a great day I pushed through the pain, enjoyed time with family, Harlow brought me some Ranch.
Judd: I sat on a huge red chair And that's it. Thanks for joining us on our adventure. Thank you! Judd: On our adventure! Oh my God *Laughter*.

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