Even the babies are one of the most dangerous animals in the world so I built this cage to keep 'em secure so there's no possible - Oh my God. First Dairy queen Tyler have some? Rizzi. Oh is that nummies? Scar, brother help me... Long live the King Later Buddy! Oh he wa ved at me! He's falling one of either smile for the photo [laughing] His face is huge.
Glad he's up now Woah woah woah! Get inside! Get inside! Get inside! Come on [dog's name]! Come here. C'mon, let's go potty. Did you poop? You mix it you make -Packers this weekend. Oh, you want the Cowboys to win? Quiet [Stephanie] the others all cried.
This is doesn't he doesn't run may I see the happiest no more. Yeah. I'm happy about it He's not crying about it You will are [not] fly all right there. We go ready flap them wings flap them.
Yeah All right way to go. Oh boom [you're] smiling Come on. Come here ready Stairs which dog got the brown rice oh my God Marley Marley [what's] it on your face? [Oh] lucky lucky look at me. What's that on your face? Huh? Jake do anything wrong Jake you did nothing wrong.
Did you? You are in such. Deep shit. Don't cut your balls off. Oh pretty girl [cole] Come here.
Come here. You can take a bath, okay? The dog will walk in the air but not on the ground What are you doing? Would you get [into] what is that is that a happy meal box? Oh oh you may be Okay Ping-Pong can Debunk it Don't you yell at your mother. Do you think that's funny go ahead [oh] [oh], are you okay? So the copper to a shows that [gold] [goes] right in the black coat, okay? You still would see police tonight? I Don't care you knew it you knew what time it was [yet]? You're grabbing from your phone Well, did you eat my tater tots [wrap]? Oh keep them? Well okay, I'm trying to get Faith big baby to come in house, but she won't so I'm getting ready show you where she's at. She call herself hiding from me.
Look right there in the tree Look right there. She thinks she's hiding from me look at that Where is Big baby? [Okay], that's enough water for the [night] He's made His third, okay? I am Gonna Karate chapter Maya She's got a head in the bag Want me to rub your face? Show me. Oh, just like they [haunt] [you] is it time to leave, huh? Is it time to wake up? Good bullying Wow fix your hair come on Just you're gonna break Don't pussy wage everybody hey when your side, they'll let you do it you can do anything, but every [good] mother pushing Hey, I shoved that [ball] [down] my pants Isak You doing under there? [Oh]? That's so wimpy. Come on.
Give it all you got [go] you.

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