Recording, Okay, so I got my new GoPro here along with michael's new mount and we're just going to place this around his collar and see what he's up too while im gone! Ok Micheal, Bye Take care! (Subtitle Editor note:I WONT MISS YOU) Ok so these rest subtitles arn't micheal saying anything. We the reviewers/editors think this is just funny xD. JUST LEAVE. SO WHAT TO DO.
*Piano* SHUT UP STUPID PHONE. Munch munch munch sip sip sip YEAH...POOP! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT??? (WHACK!) (Click click click) (Piano Key Strikes) HAI GURL HOW U BEEN! LETS GO OUT. (Door bell) (door opening) (panting and barking) INSTAGRAM #BLESSED #LEGS. (Splashing) BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRV.
BAI GURL. LOOK AT ALL THOSE QUACKERS. OH NO... GO AWAY!! Subtitle Reviewers: The Codester Craft | Subtitle Editors: ???????.

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