For most people who suffer from asbestos disease,
it is a lung disease. So, being unable to breathe is always a first
sign of asbestos problems. You can have an asbestos induced cancer. Particularly mesothelioma that may be of your
stomach, as opposed to your lung.
Mesothelioma does not show up sometimes for
25 or 30 years after your exposure. That's the same for asbestos lung cancer and
for asbestosis. So, we literally have to determine where the
person worked 25 and 30 years ago. And what products were on that job site.
And sometimes we handle cases for spousal
or family exposures. So, if somebody in your family is exposed
to asbestos dust that you bring home on your clothing, that person is at risk. We've handled cases for family members who
died as a result of asbestos dust. Brought home on the clothing of someone else
in the family.
For more information, please go to our website
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