diagnosed with mesothelioma. And you're wondering what caused your mesothelioma. Hi. I'm Joe
I'm a mesothelioma trial attorney here in New York City and I can answer your
questions. We know that shipyards were filled with asbestos. At shipyards such as here in
New York, a good example is the Brooklyn Naval Yard. And the Brooklyn Naval Yard, that's
where the ships were built during World War II and thereafter.
And they were worked on,
serviced, built from the ground up as well -- in that yard. There's also private shipyards
that are not naval yards, like where non-naval ships were worked on. Both built, constructed,
maintained and repaired. And whether it was the building of a new ship or the repairing
of an existing one, the work was the same and it involved working with asbestos products
such as insulation.
Insulation on steam pipes, insulation on equipment (such as large boilers
on these ships). Asbestos blankets which were put on turbines on these ships. Asbestos gaskets
were cut and fabricated at these shipyards to use on these pipes -- on the steam pipes
and the hot water pipes -- on these ships. And that's something that happened often,
almost every day at a ship yard.
Bags of asbestos cement -- high temperature asbestos cement,
as well -- would be used and mixed with water and applied to the piping, the equipment and
machinery on these ships and at these shipyards. So there are a multitude of exposures to asbestos
that a shipyard worker would have. I'm sure you have more questions about how shipyard
workers were exposed to asbestos. Well we can answer those questions.
I'm Joe Williams.
I invite you to call the number below. We'll answer your questions. We help mesothelioma
victims every day. We'll answer your questions.
Thank you for watching..
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