How does a mesothelioma victim prove their
exposure to asbestos from a specific company's product? Hi. I'm Joe Williams. I'm a mesothelioma
trial attorney in New York City and I can tell you that the number one form of proof
in a mesothelioma case is the victim's deposition. And while this may sound daunting -- a deposition,
testimony given under oath -- it's really not.
What a deposition really is, I like to
tell my clients, it's just a story of their life. It's an attempt by them to recount all
the ways that they could have been exposed to asbestos during the course of their life.
Remember that an asbestos case is really about the cumulative dose that happened to a person
throughout their entire life, from their youth to the present day and everything in between.
In order to do a deposition, a mesothelioma victim doesn't have to travel to the courthouse
or to their attorney's office. Oftentimes, we do these depositions for ill clients in
their home. We come to you.
And if it's not done in your home, oftentimes we do the deposition
in a local hotel conference room. All of these procedures are in place to make it more convenient
for the suffering victim of a mesothelioma diagnosis. The attorney for the mesothelioma
victim is next to -- shoulder to shoulder -- with the mesothelioma victim in the deposition,
every minute. You're never by yourself; we're always there with you to steer you through
this process.
Now you may have many more questions about the process of a deposition of a victim
of mesothelioma and we can answer those questions. I'm Joe Williams and I encourage you to call
my office at the number on your screen below. We handle these cases every day for victims
of mesothelioma and their families and we'd be happy to answer your questions. Thank you
for watching..
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