When a mesothelioma victim and their family
come into my office, one of the first questions that they ask me is are there any upfront
costs or fees for me to handle their case? Hi. I'm Joe Williams. I'm a mesothelioma trial
attorney in New York City and I can tell you that the answer to this question is absolutely
not. In a mesothelioma case, the lawyers for the victim lay out the money to prosecute
the case.
So things like court filing fees -- to file the case, to start the case, there
is a fee in the courthouse to do that. The lawyers lay out that money. Fees associated
with continuing the case, the lawyers lay out that money. Fees associated with hiring
expert witnesses.
And a mesothelioma case requires the hiring and retaining of some
very important expert witnesses in order to support the medical and exposure claims that
are made in the case. And all of those fees are disbursements that are laid out by the
attorneys in the case. And I can tell you at our firm we never ask a client to set forth
any type of payments, any money, until the case is concluded. And what happens is the
case is prosecuted until it's completed.
And at that point, the money that is obtained
in the form of a settlement or a judgment or a verdict at trial the lawyer takes the
disbursements and pays them back and then takes the lawyers' fee. And all the remainder
of the money -- whether it be in the form of a settlement or a verdict at trial -- all
of that is the client's proceeds from the result obtained in that case. Now you may
have many more questions related to this topic and others. I'm Joe Williams.
My office number
is listed below. I encourage you to give a call to our office. We will answer your questions.
We're here to help you and to answer your questions. Thank you..
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