Watts Beauty Retinol offers the maximum amount of Retinol per application of any over the counter cream. Retinol is the active ingredient in skin treatments, especially in wrinkle creams. It's benefits are known to keep the skin young-looking, supple, smooth and clear of blemishes regardless of the imminent age factors. The Anti Aging effects of Retinol are being enjoyed by people from all over the world. Retinol deeply penetrates the skin and reduces the effects of free radicals which are responsible for accelerating skin aging in unbelievable degrees. Free radicals are unstable molecules of oxygen that cause wrinkles by breaking down skin cells. When free radicals are kept in check, naturally, the skin's aging process is held back. Because Retinol works below the surface of the skin, it is a very efficient candidate for removing deep wrinkles and fixing damages. It works by going below the outer layers of the epidermis to the areas of the skin that contain elastin and collagen.
Price: $29.99
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